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Selectmen's Minutes June 10, 1998
Joint subcommittee of Water, Concom and selectmen
June 10, 1998

Present:  Tom Dahlberg, Cathy Kuchinski, Brian Gaffey and Ed Casey.  Meeting held at the Water Department Office.

I.  Call to Order.  Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m..

II.  Minutes.  Motion 6/10/98.1:  move to accept the minutes of April 8, 1998 as submitted.  Motion made by Gaffey with second by Casey.  Motion carried 4-0.

III.  Brockton - Pleasant Street Water Lease:  Water Commissioners informed us that the required contracts between CDM and the City of Brockton have been signed within the last few weeks.  They are in the preliminary stages for the application process for federal and MEPS permits.  Commissioners will keep us informed as to their progress.

IV.  Bog 8 Property Progress:  CDM reports have not yet been submitted to the Commissioners.  Water Superintendent ‘Reed is trying to arrange for CD< to make their report findings to the Commissioners within the next few weeks. He will notify subcommittee members of the date of the presentation when it is arranged.  Reed also noted he had received a written request from Conservation to fix an area used as the access for the testing.  Reed expected to have matter fixed within a few days as soon as he could gain access from Mr. Gelsi, the property owner.

V.  Other topics:  (1) Southeast Water Supply legislation:  Dahlberg noted that Creedon is in the process of redrafting the existing 1960’s language and will circulate it to Pembroke and Hanson Commissions for input.  There apparently has been no meeting of the Regional Commission in over 5 years.  (2) Monponsett Pond issue;  Pembroke is attempting to fund $200,.000 for a sewerage study and might possibly be able to work with neighboring towns on joint problem areas.  Creedon reported that the waterfall monitoring device should be installed at the Snake River dam shortly.  A short discussion was held on the water usage practices of neighboring cranberry growers.

VI. Revised Rules and Regulations Booklet:  Commissioners gave out copies of the 1998 revised regulations for water system users.  This booklet is given to new applicants and will be available at the water department and town hall for residents to pick up.

VII.  Next Meeting:  No meeting scheduled.  Motion 6/10/98.2:  move to adjourn.  Motion made by Gaffey with second by Casey.  Motion carried 4-0.  Meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m..